Verify a binary tree is a binary search tree

Algorithm: In-order traversal the binary tree and examine that the visited node’s data are in sorted order, then the binary tree is BST.

Here is source code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

struct node{
   int data;
   node* leftchild;
   node* rightchild;
   node(int d):data(d), leftchild(NULL),rightchild(NULL){}

bool isBST(node* ptr)
   static node* prv_node = new node(INT_MIN);
      if(!isBST(ptr->leftchild)) return false;
      if(prv_node->data >= ptr->data) return false;
      prv_node = ptr;
      if(!isBST(ptr->rightchild)) return false;
   return true;

int main()
   /*input: a binary tree
              / \
             3   6
            / \ 
           2   4
   node* root = new node(1);
   root->leftchild = new node(3);
   root->rightchild = new node(6);
   root->leftchild->leftchild = new node(2);
   root->leftchild->rightchild = new node(4);

   if(isBST(root)) printf("is BST\n");
   else printf("not BST\n");
     is BST

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